Kahu is a 7.5 month old White Lutino Cockatiel. She is very sweet, will step up and is dowel training. Kahu will make a great addition to your family
$200Bailey hatched August 4, 2024. and is a female White Lutino. She is spunky, active and can be vocal in the morning when she wants her toast. I am step…
$200These lovely babies have been hand fed, and nurtured daily. They are currently eating on their own and able to live with a new family. 2 green and 1 blue…
$300Baby silver pearl, hand fed, hands tame. DNA tested female. Eating well. Near Yakima in WA
SOLDBandit or as I call her Bandie, is a 12 week old DNA tested female Pearl. She is learning to step up and also pole training. Bandie is an amazing and beautiful…
SOLDOne Fischer and one Peach face. I was told they are both girls and very very young. They were kind of dropped into my lap in unusual circumstances and…
SOLDTitus loves to wolf whistle
SOLDAristophanes is a relatively quiet bird who loves peanuts.
SOLDYoung pair. 3 years old bonded/mated pair of sun conure. Currently sitting on eggs. Due to family stuff, I have to re-home our birds. If you guys have…
SOLDFemale and male bonded pair. Female is a Harlequin and male is a Scarlet. They are about 4-5 years old. Female is talkative- hi, hello, come here, go…