Kahu is a 7.5 month old White Lutino Cockatiel. She is very sweet, will step up and is dowel training. Kahu will make a great addition to your family
$200Bailey hatched August 4, 2024. and is a female White Lutino. She is spunky, active and can be vocal in the morning when she wants her toast. I am step…
$200Bandit or as I call her Bandie, is a 12 week old DNA tested female Pearl. She is learning to step up and also pole training. Bandie is an amazing and beautiful…
SOLDBaby silver pearl, hand fed, hands tame. DNA tested female. Eating well. Near Yakima in WA
SOLDRehoming my 6 month old Jenday Conure (un-sexed). I paid $1300 for Momo (current name) two months ago at PETCO. I also bought a large bird cage for …
SOLDHand fed healthy and tame babies. Available near the end on June. No Shipping. Located in South East Washington.
SOLDTwo year old Female Blue Indian Ringneck, will come with her cage, food, toys and any supplies we have remaining at the time of pickup.