These lovely babies have been hand fed, and nurtured daily. They are currently eating on their own and able to live with a new family. 2 green and 1 blue…
$300Kahu is a 7.5 month old White Lutino Cockatiel. She is very sweet, will step up and is dowel training. Kahu will make a great addition to your family
$200Bailey hatched August 4, 2024. and is a female White Lutino. She is spunky, active and can be vocal in the morning when she wants her toast. I am step…
$200One Fischer and one Peach face. I was told they are both girls and very very young. They were kind of dropped into my lap in unusual circumstances and…
SOLDAristophanes is a relatively quiet bird who loves peanuts.
SOLDTitus loves to wolf whistle
SOLDYoung pair. 3 years old bonded/mated pair of sun conure. Currently sitting on eggs. Due to family stuff, I have to re-home our birds. If you guys have…
SOLDThis cockatiel was found and rescued by my father in August of this year. We do not know the bird’s gender or age, but was told by a breeder that the bird…
SOLDFemale and male bonded pair. Female is a Harlequin and male is a Scarlet. They are about 4-5 years old. Female is talkative- hi, hello, come here, go…
SOLD2 young green cheek pineapple cinnamon head conures for sale. One hatched January, one hatched March. Would like to sell as pair but all offers considered…