Old Dutch capuchine cock Yellow tigered color pattern Pmv vaccinated & wormed Ready for breeding season
SOLD2 adult male mustache not tame , one is about 4 years and the other is about 8 years old. It's father and son NO SHIPPING $400 each bird
SOLD"Chippa", hatched on December 1, 2021 and has been hand fed and raised by me. He is very affectionate, curious and loves to play. He will be a great companion…
SOLDAlex is currently weaning. Alex is full flighted and will fledge in an Aviary. He will be harness acquainted. He is being raised with love and cuddles…
SOLDHe is a very sweet bird. He needs a home that can give him a lot of attention. He needs a dog free home and a space where he can be with his people all…
SOLDGrey and white male cockatiel for sale with many accessories. Large cage, bird warmer Ect.
SOLDI have one male white face cockatiel available. He was sold but they changed their minds. He doesn't have any out of cage time but he is still pretty easy…
SOLDCinnamon Male Green Cheek Conure. Hand fed, hand tame, steps up, & super sweet. He is weaned and ready for his forever home. Just in time for Christmas…
SOLDAdorable and hand tame green cheek! He hasn't been held for a bit, but he has never bit any of us and we just don't have the time for him anymore :( We…
SOLDI am moving to an apartment in another state, and unfortunately they won’t accept my sweet boy. His name is Remie, he is 2 1/2 years old. He loves…