I have 2 male, 8 month-old, white peacocks. They both carry the Indian Blue genes, as the father is pure white and the mother is pure Indian Blue. They…
$175yearling Spaulding healthy beautiful
SOLDPeacocks for sale : Have two young Purple Spalding Black Shoulder peacocks for sale. They are one year old, born last season. $250.- ea Farm pick…
SOLDWe have three beautiful, healthy 11 month old India Blue peacocks for sale. Please note that we are not shipping them. The price is per bird.
SOLDWe have 2 yearling India Blue pied males with white eye trait. Our pen collapsed over the winter and we need to rehome them. Located in Central Michigan…
SOLDBeautiful, male, indigo blue peacock. Will eat out of your hand.
SOLDBeautiful, quiet, indigo blue male. Just turned a year old in April. Will take food from your hand. Just have too many males and need some gone. Also…
SOLD3 Male Young Blue/White Spalding peacocks from breeding pair. Handfed, well kept, very healthy ready to go to new home.