This is a beautiful young male Hana Pouter from my 2021 breeding season. This male has finished his first molt, blowing up larger the older he gets. He…
SOLDhe is 35 years young. very friendly and loveable once he overcomes his initial fear of a new home. I am rehoming due to a recent death and divorce. recent…
SOLD"Sunshine" hatched on April 12, 2022, and has been hand fed and raised by me. He is very affectionate, curious and loves to play. He will be a great companion…
SOLDChina was born in 1999. I've had him since 2013. I have two cages that will be included. I just don't have time to take care of him.
SOLDVery friendly baby Pineapple Conure. Blood test male certified. He loves to play on hands, very active, tame, loves head scratches, and cuddle. He’s has…
SOLDSweety or as we like to call him, MIni Too, came to us from someone that was moving out of town. After being with us for several months, our Umbrella head…
SOLDSmokey was purchased from an auction back in October of 2021. We have tried everything to get him to tame down but he refuses. He was surgically DNA sexed…
SOLDI have one male ringneck baby left. Dna tested hatch date Feb 15th. Eating cockatiel parrot food mix with zupreem fruit blend cockatiel pellets. So far…
SOLDVery healthy and friendly umbrella cockatoo. Loves kids and other pets! Has a great vocabulary! Most importantly he LOVES to snuggle and watch TV! Comes…
SOLDMagic is a very sweet bird. I had him since he was a weanling , he is afraid of everything! He is afraid of dogs and cats, I don’t think he ever will…