I have one male pearly pied hatch date August 7th. Dna tested he is ready for his forever home. Im located in Northville NY 12134 please google your distance…
SOLDThis sweet hand fed tame little Male is 8 weeks old and is looking for his forever home! He has a toe on the inside of his foot that turns towards the…
SOLDWas a breeder, mildly anti-social. Needs love and affection and a good home. Comes with cage, food, toys, everything we have. We do not have the time to…
SOLDHello, my name is Cooper and I'm looking for a good home. I need to be with an older couple or individual that can put up with my mood swings. I go from…
SOLDNOW $150. to good home Beautiful male parrotlet a year and a half old ready to breed. Green and gray with blue tips wings and tail. very sweet…
SOLDNalu is an amazing Parrot. He is 21 years old and has been with me since a few weeks old. I hand fed him and weaned him onto hard food. He has a very…
SOLDFor sales is this young Silver Pomeranian Pouter with red bars. This bird is young but showing a lot of potential. He is very long and tall with large…
SOLDQuaker parrot, 4 months old, It was hand fed, but it is no longer tamed.
SOLDSmall grey, yellow, white, orange Cockatiel
SOLDSmall grey and Yellow Cockatiel. Text me for more pic