1 whiteface pearl 1 pied 1 pearl All handfed and weaned out Oriental nc
$200Currently on 2 feeds a day. 150 now, 200 weaned Oriental nc
$150Weaned and ready to go. 1 pied & 1 pearl pied. Oriental nc 200 a piece...
$200Handfed, weaned and ready to go. Oriental nc.
$200All being handfed. Can wean yourself if you would like. Located in Oriental nc. 150
$150Macaw two yrs. Talking . Eats fruit , veggies , and pellets. She loves rice and beans. She eats many table foods but you must remember no onion garlic…
$3,000I have 3 young Quaker Parrots approximately 6 months old. They were hand fed. They have gotten a bit cage aggressive but with a little TLC I think they…
No Price ListedPending pick up...feel free to check in to confirm status see Blue Crossover hatched December 31, 2024. Not sexed yet. This baby is smart. Trying to talk…
$500Rascal is about 4 years old. He likes to be held and petted. Loves to be out of his cage. Eats out of your hand. He needs someone who will spend time…
SOLDBoth conures are just over a year old. Hand Raised pineapple Conure since fledgling. Turquoise Conure purchased to keep her company. Both live in the same…