1 whiteface pearl 1 pied 1 pearl All handfed and weaned out Oriental nc
$200Currently on 2 feeds a day. 150 now, 200 weaned Oriental nc
$150Weaned and ready to go. 1 pied & 1 pearl pied. Oriental nc 200 a piece...
$200Handfed, weaned and ready to go. Oriental nc.
$200All being handfed. Can wean yourself if you would like. Located in Oriental nc. 150
$150Two baby parakeets ready for their new homes. These babies are split to black wing. Please message me for more info
$20Several hand feeding parakeets for sale. They are split to both helicopter and blackwing. Babies are still being hand fed three-four times a day, so it…
$30Macaw two yrs. Talking . Eats fruit , veggies , and pellets. She loves rice and beans. She eats many table foods but you must remember no onion garlic…
$3,000Beautiful pair of quaker parrots for sale. Bonded pair must go together. Asking $1200 for both, their cage, their toys, and food. For more pictures and…
$1,200Rehoming Bonded pair of sun conures, tamed and unsexed. Loves to hang out on shoulders and spend time outside the cage. One is 7 months, other is 11 months…