Baby lovebirds looking for a loving home soon currently still handfeeding hatch dates are April 1 and 3 rd. Hand tame and really sweet.
SOLD2 Quaker Parrots around 6 to 7 months. Our son needs to find a home because they have 3 big dogs so these 2 don't get out of cage much. They do step…
SOLDWe have 4 and 5 month old Quakers. 1 blue and 1 green. We cannot give them the time they need. Just starting to learn things. Contact for more info.
SOLDWe have a 4 month old blue Quaker and a 5 month old green Quaker. Needs new home. We don't have the time and attention like they need. $500 a piece…
SOLDMature breeding peafowl. I have a pied male, pictured, who produces pieds and whites and black shoulder for $300. I have an India Blue male for $200, 2…
SOLDIndia Blue peacocks ( male). Hatched last year.
SOLDPeacocks hatched last summer June thru September. India blue males $60 each. I also have several pied males and one black shoulder male . They are $90each…
SOLDIndia blue males and females hatched this summer. $60 each. Pied India blue male, also hatched this summer. $90. No shipping, pick up only. Pennsylvania…