Their cage, carriers, and supplies are included. They are cage territorial but are neutral when out of the cage and undisturbed. Currently on a diet of…
$1,000This Cinnamon Dilute Green Cheek Conure has been abundance weaned onto a variety of nutritious foods, including pellets and veggies. Raised in a lively…
$600Very playful and sweet! Handfed Green Cheek Conure – Healthy, Happy, and Ready for Your Home! This "Normal Green" Green Cheek Conure has been abundance…
$600Rare beautiful Senegal parrot! She is friendly and steps up. See my website for a video.
$1,600*discounted due to going through a nippy/flighty stage* Handfed Green Cheek Conure – Healthy, Happy, and Ready for Your Home! This Cinnamon Green…
$450This is a not typical small budgie, but an English budgie adult female. This will be ready to breed this summer when paired high pedigree budgie male.
$120Looking for an excellent home for my 1-year old female Whiteface Lutino cockatiel. I do not want to rehome her, but she's been with me for 9 months and…
$200Seven-month-old girl Her name is tickle. Gift birdcage
$450I have a pair of two-year-old Indian Ringneck, blue and white healthy birds, ready to learn and prepared for reproduction.
$1,600Adorable cockatiel baby. White face . split to recessive silver.28 days old. Hand feed 2 times a day. No DNA. Local Pickup.