Beautiful bird loves to talk
SOLDShe’s sweet when out of the cage. She needs to be worked back up to socializing. She needs a new home as my mother passed.
SOLDSpirit is a sweet bird. I am rehoming him because I have a baby.
SOLDComet is a sweet boy who knows to step up and sit on your shoulder. Search Homegrown Cockatiels on facebook for more photos. I have his DNA sex certificate…
SOLD1.5 year hybrid ( yellow shoulder & blue fronted) amazon male ( DNA tested) is looking for new home. Can whistle Andy Griffin Show theme song and Jingle…
SOLD2 weeks-old Quaker, still in the nest, will come out in a week. 2 babies looking for a new home. 1 for $300.00, Take both for $500.00
SOLDMale greenwing Macaw, 25 years old. I need to rehome him as I am moving and cannot take him with. He is vocal, loves attention and knows his name. His…
SOLDWinston is about 2 years old looking for a new home! He is shy at first but loving when you spend more time with him. Cage and food included.
SOLD28 year old - beautiful, loud, silly, and messy green wing macaw. Does great with cats, dogs, adults but gets annoyed when small children are around for…
SOLDAge and sex unknown. Price is negotiable. Oats is a silly and sweet parrot who loves attention and pumpkin seeds. They will preen your hair and gently…