Young Kakariki's available just finished, hand feeding 2 weeks ago greens $300 each pieds $400 each and yellows $500 each
No Price ListedYoung Parrotlets available just finished hand feeding 2 weeks ago males and females greens, blues, yellows and lt blue $200 each
$200Have 2 yellow naped amazon one is 7 year old other is 8 years old both have been DNA sexed not tame but borh do talk good health and talks $2500 each…
$2,500Just in time for Christmas baby lovebird, gets along great with all of our birds, very friendly very pretty hand fed, hand tame
No Price ListedRed Factor Jenday Conure (Aratinga jendaya) Baby Available! Jendays are absolutely gorgeous with red bodies, yellowish heads, and green wings. Conures…
$900Baby White Fronted Amazon (Amazona alifrons) Available! White Fronted Amazons are a Central American species and are one of the smallest species of Amazon…
$3,200Baby Violet Cobalt Indian Ringneck Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) Available! Indian Ringnecks are popular for their charismatic behavior and outstanding…
$1,000Baby Moustache Parakeet (Psittacula alexandri) Available! They can be fantastic talkers if you work with them. The minimum cage size for this bird would…
$1,800Baby Albino Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) Available! Cockatiels are native to Australia. Cockatiels come in a wide variety of color mutations, but…
$275Baby Slender-Billed Cockatoo (Cacatua tenuirostris) Available! These beautiful and rare cockatoos are unique in body and in personality. The have a long…