Budgie- parakeet. This bird is free, not tamed.
SOLD2 Quaker Parrots around 6 to 7 months. Our son needs to find a home because they have 3 big dogs so these 2 don't get out of cage much. They do step…
SOLDWe have 4 and 5 month old Quakers. 1 blue and 1 green. We cannot give them the time they need. Just starting to learn things. Contact for more info.
SOLDWe have a 4 month old blue Quaker and a 5 month old green Quaker. Needs new home. We don't have the time and attention like they need. $500 a piece…
SOLDI have a young true pair of green cheek (2 yrs old) breeding pair with DNA certificates. They are very loving towards each other: eat, drink and bath…
SOLDI am looking for a new home for my Blue Fronted Amazons. They are 17 years old. They are tame, but the male is stubborn and will usually only step up on…
SOLDI am looking to rehome my Yellow Naped Amazon parrots. They are 7 years old, fully feathered, and were seen by Chadwell Animal Hospital and had a full…
SOLDI have a 2 year old male Eclectus I am looking for a home for. He is in good health, fully feathered, and he is very tame and friendly. I do not clip his…
SOLDThis bird is sold.
SOLDsweet rico a little over two years old , not clipped, loves to say where’s my kiss lol , cage included just don’t have the to really send with him , we…