Stunning Rare Mutation Quaker Breeder Flock (+ a Black Capped and a few Green Cheeks) All under a year old, close banded, known lineage on each one…
SOLDBaby handfed lovebird. Very friendly. Cash only
SOLDHi, I have a young proven pair of parrotlets available. The male is cobalt (single factor dark blue) lightly pied and was raised by Reinaldo Conde of FL…
SOLDHand-raised, Baby Budgie! I am hand-raising this beautiful baby budgie right now. This is an American budgie that I think it is a male (it is hard…
SOLDBeautiful Indian ring neck for sale.(6 year old male) I unfortunately can’t keep him due to my time I spend in my job. He needs someone who can give him…
SOLDI am reducing my flock. 5 green babies and 3 pairs. 2 proven. One pair is cremino female an cobalt blue male, they are excellent parents that produce violet…
SOLDVery friendly baby lovebird. Handfed and handled every day. Color is beautiful and pictures don't do justice. can meet for you to get a better look…
SOLDBeautiful hand fed babies and breeders available! Rare Quakers all from disease tested parents. Green Blue Pallid Turquoise Opaline Cobalt Crossover…
SOLDBeautiful 8 weeks old baby Indian Ring Neck (violet). He is on a healthy diet of vegetables and pellets. Ready for his new home. Pick-up or shipping. …
SOLDBeautiful Sweet (Unrelated) recently weaned Parrotlet Pair: Female: American White Marbled Male: Cobalt/Blue-Turquoise Spoon Fed w/ Love & Harrisons…