Pairs and singles of Pacific Parrotlets available. Handfed babies are contract with a deposit . Available Colors: blue, yellow, white, turquoise, pied…
$250Spoon fed Fischer's lovebirds weaned on pellets small seed and veggies. Great pet super tame. New BabyPeach face. Breeding pairs and singles available…
$100Available: grey creamface chicks - still need to be handfed All hand-raised & tame baby cockatiels. They go out on car rides, very socialized, raised…
$300I have 5 weeks indian ringneck babies with amazing color mutation Creamano 700 Sold Albino $799 Cobalt blue dominant pied (harlequin) $1000 2 Terquoise…
$700Healthy and beautiful Indian ringneck babies most probably green color. Pickup one of your sweet baby. They will be weaned of next 3 to 4 weeks. Location…
$750Hand raised Standard parakeet ready for a new home. Sweet little bird. Does really well with step up. Will sit on your hand for long periods of time. I…
$85Baby Violet Cobalt Indian Ringneck Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) Available! Indian Ringnecks are popular for their charismatic behavior and outstanding…
$700Baby Violet Cobalt Indian Ringneck Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) Available! Indian Ringnecks are popular for their charismatic behavior and outstanding…
$1,000Hello! Here i have for SALE OR TRADE! A Beautifull Indian Ring Neck Female,With DNA and Also have PBFD papers from her,Shes Healthy,Curently on Zupreme…
$775Young yellow fallow/(red eyed) hen handfed hatched last April. Has not been handled much in the last few months. Better as a breeder. From Little Boogers…