Beautiful healthy Linniolated parakeet for sale or trade equal value. 7 months old. Parent raised. Will send pics or more info if needed. No shipping
SOLDhand fed violet fischer love bird. DNA sexed male about 9-10 months old. does not bite when out of his cage but likes to be with other birds.
SOLD"Jack" hatched on April 3, 2022 and has been hand fed and raised. He is very affectionate, curious and loves to play. He will be a great companion. He…
SOLDI have two beautiful Penguin Zebra finches ready to be re-homed. $25.00 each. They are just about 9 weeks old at this point. Most of their adult plumage…
SOLDSy is a 6 month old, sweet and loving Green Cheek Conure. Despite my best efforts, I have been unable to truly make him happy due to my work schedule…
SOLDThis is Chocho. He is 3. He is very friendly. He loves my huskies. Choncho is very friendly with kids and Adults. He loves to sing and dance. He mimics…
SOLDHealthy year old male ostrich.
SOLDToothpick is a 2022 male green canary. He is a 100% healthy boy now, however he is missing one leg ! He is a rescue bird in need of a good home. He sings…
SOLDBeautiful, quiet, indigo blue male. Just turned a year old in April. Will take food from your hand. Just have too many males and need some gone. Also…
SOLDBeautiful, male, indigo blue peacock. Will eat out of your hand.