This is a son of Stormy and Peaches. He's from a clutch of seven, and his parents produce everything! He has Opaline Fallow sister and brother Rosies and…
SOLD1 year old female Cockatiel with cage and food. Very friendly, loves to be pet; loves to whistle, and loves to eat fruits. Looking for a caring person…
SOLDhand fed female indian Ringnecks hatch date March 29,2022. very tame and ready to go to there new home. contact me for more information. serious inquiry…
SOLD8 month old three beautiful mute cygnets swan available for sale. $350 for each.
SOLDI have only have1 Beautiful 9-month-old True Red-Eye Lutino left. Bright yellow with red and white tails only. no other colors These birds are Extremely…
SOLDLooking for a loving home, her name is tattoo and she's 5 months old , she's a little shy but sweet , she likes head rubs and attention , she's very mellow…
SOLDVarious mis- marked and hybrid pretty pigeons Pmv vaccinated and wormed 2- bird minimum
SOLDCinnamon green cheek, handfed, no shipping, cash only
SOLD2 month baby budgies . Different color . Funny bird I have different color to choose from. $40 each . Text or call for more information our phone number…
SOLDLovebirds pair ready for breeding they were hand fed but I don't think they would get caught.