Grey Cockatiel Hatched March 28, 2023, hand fed eating and drinking on its own.. Asking $250 / OBO Must sell down to $150
SOLD5 months old female Quaker parrot and her little sidekick Little friend are up for adoption. They are bonded best friends, little friend helps Dallas…
SOLD3 Beautiful and healthy opalines looking for its forever perch. I am running out of space so I must part with some of my birds These babies were handfed…
SOLDThis is Rose and she is looking for a handsome loving young male bird to be with someday. Very sweet female that will be a good breeder one day.
SOLDToday I am rehoming my 10 month old male whitefaced Cinnamon Pied cockatiel. He is DNA gender certified to be male and comes with a verifiable certificate…
SOLDDEPOSIT RECEIVED. Pending pick up. 4 yo Catalina Hybrid Macaw for rehoming. Believed to be female, but not confirmed. She prefers men. Parents are a Scarlet…
SOLDMale goffin cockatoo, very tamed healthy y friendly
SOLDYoung hand-fed (not quite tame) Rosey Bourke. DNA tested female. No shipping.
SOLDBeautiful pair of Sami-tame sun conures. They are DNA certified as male and female. The male is a red factor and is around 4 years old, and the female…
SOLDHand tamed lineolated parakeets. Hatched early June 2023. Weaned onto chop pellets and seed. Co-parented. Fully flighted. Closed banded. Sexed by mutation…