Beautiful Young Blue and Gold Macaws. He is 11 months. Talks well and has lots of personality. Love to Cuddle.
SOLDBailey is 12 years old, hatched on July 5th, 2009. He has been my beloved companion for the past 12 years but I have developed an allergy and have to…
SOLDCockatiels being hand fed four weeks old very sweet little birds. DNA test can be done $28 if you would like one of these cockatiels we are taking a nonrefundable…
SOLDSelling two AGC's to a home where they can be out and play. We have added 2 dogs to our home over the past year and they just won't get along with the…
SOLDBeautiful Bird. Very nice feathers. Just a baby and talks really well. Tame and playful and sometimes cuddly. I would keep this baby but my new job has…
SOLDThis is Our rose breasted Cockatoo, she is around 2-3 years and is a frequent talker. FACETIME AND VIDEOCHAT NOW AVAILABLE
SOLDFriend Major Mitchell's Cockatoo. Gorgeous colors and is a male. FACETIME AND VIDEOCHAT NOW AVAILABLE
SOLDMale Eclectus, loves to be handled. second best talker in bird species. FACETIME AND VIDEO CHAT NOW AVAILABLE.
SOLDSuper loving and friendly bird. loves attention and does Not like to be alone, will fly to the owner if left on perch. FACETIME AND VIDEO CHAT NOW AVAILABLE…
SOLDI am currently hand feeding baby Lovebirds. The age range is between 3 weeks and 7 weeks old $150 each For payments we use PayPal friends and family…