I am having to let my girl go to a new forever home. I got her when she had just been weaned and have cared for her ever since. She is 2 years old. She…
SOLD4 year old female Umbrella Cockatoo for re-home. Very sweet to humans and likes both men and women. Very affectionate, loves to cuddle, loves to lay…
SOLDLutino young adult lineolated parakeet. Very nervous and will need time to warm Up. She’s definitely bottom heavy and came clipped can’t fly yet. She…
SOLDPineapple Conure with cage, toys and her mini pool that she loves bathing in. She also loves to dance. Her wings are currently clipped.
SOLDKiki is a two year old female canary winged parakeet (pretty much like a conure but that description wasn't available). She has beautiful yellow and blue…
SOLDFor sale: One-year-old DNA sexed female Blue Throat Macaw looking for a loving forever home! This beautiful parrot is a gentle companion who effortlessly…
SOLDThese young cockatiels are 3.5 years old. I chose them both because they were a bonded couple, would never leave one another in a flock of 12-15 young…
SOLDWe have a 5 months old female cockatiel for adoption. Her name is Ava and she is a sweet baby. She can be a little shy and afraid at first but once she…
SOLDI have a 1 year old, DNA female, normal, green cheek Conure. She’s hand tame and a lovely bird. She used to enjoy snuggles but now free flying every day…
SOLDThis is the sweetest girl who loves her people and scritches. I recently rehomed her mate because he was plucking her head bare. I will only adopt her…