Loving home needed for male Sun conure and female Green quaker parrot(kept in separate cages which will be included). My sun conure is 4+ years old and…
$1,100Young and healthy cockatiels for sale. Great pedigree and size.
$200Female lovebird she was hand fed but is a little shy she is 4 months old
$200English Budgie. Female. Hand fed. About 3 months old.
$125English Budgie. Female. Hand fed. About 3 months old.
$125English Budgie. Female. Hand fed. About 3 months old.
$150hi for sale is my lovely girl,she’s use to children and dogs,she was hatched in October so not a year old yet lives being out the cage,come with new…
$2,000I have a beautiful Easter Rosella Female Breeding age for sale. Not tame
$700Breeder female available. NOT TAME. Very healthy bird and kept on healthy diet always. OPEN TO TRADES FOR BABIES - DOESN'T HAVE TO BE SAME KIND, OTHER…
$1,500Female, 2yr old canary. Perfect health. Beautiful singing. Loves fruit and veggies. Bird bath is a must for her. Loves treat sticks and toys in her cage…