Dutch pouters mated pair Vick- red Hen- yellow Feathers clipped & Ready for breeding season Pmv vaccinated and wormed
SOLDGet started breeding or make your money back. I have a pair of peach face and lutino mixed. Full wings and in excellent health and condition. You…
SOLD6 weeks old still hand feeding will be ready around March 1st 2022. Beautiful cinnamon baby with orange cheeks and yellow head. Sweet and outgoing happy…
SOLDOld Dutch capuchine pair Cock- red& white tiger splash Hen- yellow Pmv vaccinated and wormed Ready for breeding season
SOLDIce pigeon hybrids mated pair These birds have produced some very beautiful off spring Cock red-crested & booted Hen- yellow- slightly crested Ready…
SOLDOld Dutch capuchine cock yellow splash tiger color Pmv vaccinated and wormed
SOLDVery sweet female. She is hand tamed, doesn’t bite. She is bonded with our yellow male English budgie and has had eggs with him. $150 for her or $300 for…
SOLD5weeks old still hand feeding will be ready to go around March 1st. Beautiful pearl baby yellow head orange cheeks. Smart wonderful bird very friendly…
SOLDOld Dutch capuchine cock Yellow tigered color pattern Pmv vaccinated & wormed Ready for breeding season
SOLD5 weeks old still hand feeding will be ready around March 1st. Beautiful dark grey with orange cheeks is split to cinnamon and pearl parents but he is…