Solomon Island Eclectus Baby (Eclectus roratus solomonensis) Available! Eclectus Parrots are one of the few species that are sexually dimorphic. This means…
$4,500Solomon Island Eclectus Baby (Eclectus roratus solomonensis) Available! Eclectus can make phenomenal companions. They are smart and can be great talkers…
$4,500Solomon Island Eclectus Baby (Eclectus roratus solomonensis) Available! Eclectus Parrots are one of the few species that are sexually dimorphic. This means…
$4,500Solomon Island Eclectus Baby (Eclectus roratus solomonensis) Available! Eclectus can make phenomenal companions. They are smart and can be great talkers…
$4,500We have one male eclectus for sale! This little guy is only a few months old and is still taking baby formula three times per day. Eclectus parrots are…
SOLDBaby (m) Eclectus parrot, hatched around the beginning of August and is almost weaned. Eclectus are known for their gentle and calm temperament as well…