High end color mutations: Dilute Yellowsided, Dilute YS High Red, Mint and OpaMint Sweet and playful Green Cheek Conure babies are ready to go home…
SOLDYellow and green
SOLDHome Grown. Bird Parent Fed. a chubby girl with green/white/yellow feathers. Just starting to eat independently and ready to the new home.
SOLD5 weeks old will be ready to go around March 1st 2022. Beautiful high yellow body and orange cheeks. Best family bird very social and sweet. This is a…
SOLD5 weeks old still hand feeding will be ready around March 1st. Beautiful dark grey with orange cheeks is split to cinnamon and pearl parents but he is…
SOLDSuper sweet and very friendly hand fed baby Sun Conure. Should wean by the end of this month (January). When pulled from the nest noticed that one of…
SOLDWe have 4 babies that are starting to be hand fed. Parents are beautiful (light blue gray wing and yellow face blue) and they make beautifully colored…
SOLD-Hatch Date- October 20th, 2021 -Unsexed -Would be better as a breeder, with work could be a great pet! -Tail was plucked by mother but, is growing…
SOLD-Hatch Date- October 13th, 2021 -Unsexed -Skittish but curious, with work could be a great pet! -Mother is a Yellow Sided and dad is a Normal (Bloodline…
SOLDRosy Bourke Parakeet. Date of Hatch: 11-27-21. Ready for new home. Friendly and very pretty. Parent raised. Pet quality. A very beautiful and nice…