"Cinnamon" hatched on December 1, 2021 and has been hand fed and raised by me. She is very gentle, affectionate, playful, curious, nosey and loves to be…
SOLDGet started breeding or make your money back. I have a pair of peach face and lutino mixed. Full wings and in excellent health and condition. You…
SOLD6 weeks old still hand feeding will be ready around March 1st 2022. Beautiful cinnamon baby with orange cheeks and yellow head. Sweet and outgoing happy…
SOLDVery sweet female. She is hand tamed, doesn’t bite. She is bonded with our yellow male English budgie and has had eggs with him. $150 for her or $300 for…
SOLDWe are rehoming 2 beautiful budgies. They are both females. They are both 1 1/2-2 years old. They are used to flying around the room.
SOLDGorgeous Yellow-Naped Amazon parrot. DNA test-male, February 25 he will be 24 months old.Hand tame, talkative, he like to dance ,when music start. Rehoming…
SOLD5weeks old still hand feeding will be ready to go around March 1st. Beautiful pearl baby yellow head orange cheeks. Smart wonderful bird very friendly…
SOLDfemale Albino parakeet, seems to be a couple of months old. Unfortunately I am no longer able to care for her White feathers with tints of yellow, red…
SOLD4year old Unsexed yellow nape Amazon. Super sweet. Loves everyone. My 5yr and 4yr old can even rub and handle it. Very talkative.
SOLDVery tamed Eats vegetables, pellets and seeds.