DNA tested Male. He is 19+ years old. They are all really vocal and can say different things. He is an ex breeders so he will need some work. He is not…
SOLD3 year old DNA sexed female Double Yellow Head. Her name is Mango, she talks and sings. Price is firm and includes cage and toys.
SOLDBeautiful male double yellow head amazon parrot 12yrs old. Beautiful feathers. Semi tame. He’s shy. Dont know how to step up. You can rub his head. Just…
SOLDOlder female amazon. We call her "Red Band" and she prefers males but tolerates female when men are not are not around. Approximately 20 years old and…
SOLDHave proven pair of double yellow headed amazons. Not pets they are breeders. Male has neck plucking from female. Lay 3 to 4 eggs clutch. Pickup in eau…
SOLDi have 2 Beautiful baby double yellow head magna, they is almost 13 weeks old, very Beautiful, alot of yellow, very friendly and started to wean itself…
SOLDI have one pair of Double Yellow Head Amazons available. These are breeders only, not pets. The pair are bonded and proven. Local pickup is preferred but…
SOLDEcho is a magna double yellow headed Amazon Parrot. Magnas are rare to come by (that is her coloring, lots of yellow on the head, wings, and some on her…
SOLDDouble yellow Amazon, she has come a long way over the past year and is ready for a new home. She speaks many words and phrases, sings and whistles. She…
SOLDDouble Yellow Headed Amazon Parrot looking for a new home. Yoshi is approximately 9 years old. He has not been DNA’ed but we believe he is a male…