Taffy is a very tame, 7 year old, male, Moluccan Cockatoo. He grew up in a home with 7 children so he loves kids of all ages. Taffy is harness trained…
SOLD037 Is a sweet little girl she will be ready in a couple of weeks she is in the process of weaning. Comes with paperwork, well socialized and hand fed…
SOLD031 Is a sweet little will be boy ready around the first of June. Comes with paperwork, well socialized and hand fed. Double yellow sided. For more information…
SOLDSun conure was handfed, weaned and ready to go. Unsexed. Delta shipping available, buyer pays all fees.
SOLDVariety of Green cheeks available, pics available upon request. All are handfed, weaned and ready to go. Unsexed. Delta shipping available, buyer pays…
SOLD. Double yellow sided Conure baby boy will come with paperwork. 040 Is a sweet little boy and won't be ready until around the first of June, he will be…
SOLDThis sweet baby was hand raised by myself, husband and kids and the last one from this past summers clutch. He/she is vary sweet and playful. Not DNA tested…
SOLDNow taking deposits on quaker babies that started hatching April 3rd! They are super sweet and learn to talk fast. Deposits to reserve are $150 and payments…
SOLDI have one male and 2 females left! All are siblings and hatched mid-late Feb. They are $400 each or $750 for two. They are weaned onto a healthy diet…
SOLDNow taking deposits on quaker babies that started hatching April 3rd! They are growing fast contact or video chat for the latest pictures. They are super…