Looking for a loving home his name is Spike and he is 6 months old, he is friendly and tame . He loves to sing and he is starting to talk a couple of…
SOLDThese sweet young cockatiels are looking for a new home. All our birds have been weaned and are on a pellets/veggie/seed diet. No DNA testing has been…
SOLDShe is a year old, I am selling her with her full bag of pellets and a cage. 30 in wide and 18 in. Long. I prefer buying a bigger cage for her if you are…
SOLDThis baby is ready to go. Sweet little bird that will lay on its back while you are petting it saying, “dead bird”, then rolling back over when I say,…
SOLDNano is a loveable hand raised young bird, only 4 months old. Very tame and very friendly, just awaiting his new forever home
SOLDHatch Date: May 13, 2022 Mutation: White Tail Sex: Undetermined * Diamond Doves usually have to be several months old to tell the gender based on their…
SOLDHatch Date: June 5, 2022 Mutation: White Rump Sex: Undetermined * Diamond Doves usually have to be several months old to tell the gender based on their…
SOLDWhiteface cockatiel babies. Mom is wf dad is wf split cinnamon, pied, lutino and pearl
SOLDBeautiful baby Indian Ringneck pallid turquoise blue. DNA blood certified as a male. He is very friendly to people. Love morning flies, scratches on head…
SOLDHatch Date: May 11, 2022 Mutation: White Rump Sex: Undetermined * Diamond Doves usually have to be several months old to tell the gender based on their…