2 Adult Male Cockatiels not tamed. 1 dark grey/white, 1 yellow/ white Don't know exact age . I can no longer keep them. They do sing sometimes when they…
$300$200 (last one) ready to go now. solid white with red eyes. I will furnish you with some seed mix its eating now and a new toy for the cage
$200Even though larger 'toos are noisy & high maintenance, they are well worth it. We've kept them since the late 1960's. Tritons are fairly good talkers …
$2,500Japanese Hagoromos parakeet budgerigar pair in white price is for a pair
$400Please ready carefully. Hello I have two cockatiels one definitely female named Billy!(the pearl)I took her in last year because someone else was…
$200baby cockatiels ready for new home Hand fed and hand tame the pearls r hand tame the greys r shy Asking 200 for pearls and 175 for greys Pick up…
$200I have babies that are fully weaned and younger babies being handfed, more babies are hatching! All our babies are weaned/being weaned to a pellet/veggie…
$2,400I have weaned babies available and more babies are coming! All our birds are lovingly handfed, well socialized (around other pets also) and fully weaned…
$2,4001wk old whiteface cockatiel chick (available april 5) --will update with pic later-- we have one cockatiel chick in this clutch available to reserve…
$250Baby Major Mitchell Cockatoo (Lophochroa leadbeateri) Available! Major Mitchells or Leadbeaters are absolutely stunning birds. They have a pale pink and…