He is a male half english half american budgie who is hand tamed and about a year old. He's very playful and talkative and knows a few phrases. He comes…
SOLD6 month old female budgie named Tuna. She's a mix of quiet and talkative, likes to have her space to fly around and perch, and will eat from your hand…
SOLDUPDATE! Only three left. $25.00 each. This mother’s last clutch of the season. They are 7 to 8 weeks old now. Available mutations are; A Creamino, (…
SOLDPair of bonded English Budgies, 2 years old, parent raised, not tame. Female is white and male is light blue, beautiful birds. Re- homing fee is $100…
SOLDBeautiful and playful, very social and love daily out of the cage playtime. Handling started at 3-4 week. “Ino” mutations, with Ruby eyes. Yellow Lutino…
SOLDJapanese Hagoromos parakeet Available. Symmetrical double flowers on the back. Pure bloodline. I have babies and breeding pairs available. Serious inquiry…
SOLDHandfed budgies. Oldest hatched 4/1 youngest hatched 4/11. Weaned or almost weaned. Will consider discount if adopting more than one. Very cute, sweet…
SOLDA pair of cute purple parakeets. The belly is white. They are two months old. Serious inquiry. Thank you.
SOLDAll 5 Budgies for $50 Lavender, Blue, and White.
SOLDPaco ( blue belly ) and Sam (white belly) are bonded budgies that I got almost one year ago. They are fully flighted and have beautiful singing voices…