Just weaned and ready for a forever home.
SOLDThe price is $200 for each baby. $125 for Shipping and handling. These babies were handfed and will need very little work to be hand tamed.
SOLDVery friendly and talks have to sell because of health
SOLDBeautiful grey yellow head cockatiel. Sex unknown. All my breeders had been tested for PBFD and came Negative. He is very friendly to people. He loves…
SOLD$350 OBO -Hatch Date-- Dec 22 2022 -Unsexed -Would be an amazing pet, loves to be held and snuggled. -Back was plucked by mother but, is growing back…
SOLD"Stickey" banded, possible male, as he exhibits male behaviors but has not whistled yet. He is pearl/lutino. If he is a male pearls will molt out. He is…
SOLDLutino cockatiel possible male as He exhibits male behaviors but have not confirmed. He is handfed and closed banded. ready to go to his new home.
SOLDI suspect this one is female based on behavior, have not confirmed. She is pied handfed and banded. super sweet and inquisitive. Ready for her new home…
SOLDWe have one Baby (Fledgling/Juvenile) Sun Conure Male (DNA Tested) available. He is 11 weeks old as of 2-4-23 and has had human contact daily. Ready now…
SOLDBaby lovebird hand-fed ready for new home