very beautiful blue peach face love bird. handfed very sweet
SOLDThis beautiful female cinnamon turquoise recessive pied kakariki is looking for a new home! She was hatched 4/1/2023. Mom is solid cinnamon green split…
SOLDHandfed, hand tamed baby lovebird looking for a forever perch.
SOLDThis sweet little girl is almost a year old and loves her head scratches. She is currently on Higgins Safflower Gold with fresh fruits and vegetables daily…
SOLD4 friendly hand fed baby ready to go! They’re fully weaned and are looking for their forever home. Very sweet and hand friendly. They would make a great…
SOLDThis sweet boy is named Hawk. We've had him for 2 years and he's been our buddy and goof ball. He is a DNA texted male and comes with his certificate.…
SOLDThis is Poppy, she's a sweet goofy little girl. She love to be with us all the time and snuggle up with us. She is almost 1 year old and a DNA tested female…
SOLDThis sweet baby is probably the sweetest Lovebird Baby I have ever raised. He is snuggly and just wants to be with me all the time no matter what I'm doing…
SOLDThis sweet boy love his head scratches and to be whistled to so he can try and learn the tune. He is currently on Higgins Safflower Gold with fresh fruits…
SOLDBlue Indian Ringneck, female 4 years old. Steps up , loves head scratches. comes with flight cage and toys. We are moving across country and feel that…