We have 2 females available for immediate adoption: both Normal Greys, $375 each. They are sisters and are going on 5 months old. They are starting to…
$375I have 5 males and 2 females who are 4 months and 2 months. All babies are weaned and ready for their forever homes, I do not ship. All babies are eating…
$553 beautiful and healthy jenday counres babies. Currently handfeeding 3 times a day. Need about couple of more weeks to be fully weaned. For more information…
$500Friendly Mini Macaw!!! She Loves to talk and mimic dancing. Includes cage and accessories. Serious inquires only please for any additional information…
SOLDMoving out need to sale bird and fish tank, my new home does not allow pets. Need to sell ASAP, bird is 1 year old male gender. I am selling as is with…
SOLDThis little girl is an absolute sweetheart. She was handfed so she's SUPER friendly and loves spending time with people. Very playful and engaging, loaded…
SOLDCurrently I have 1 young whiteface female available. She is weaned and ready for her forever home. Her wings are not clipped, but she does have an issue…
SOLD2 babies quakers 3 weeks old currently handfeeding them need a couple of more weeks to be fully weaned. For more call or text me at our phone number
SOLD3 babies jenday counres. Currently handfeeding them need a couple of weeks to be fully weaned. For more call or text me at our phone number
SOLD4 years old female lorkeet super tame and social bird. Great condition in a good diet stays most of her tame outside of her cage. For more information…