Beautiful Young Blue and Gold Macaws. He is 11 months. Talks well and has lots of personality. Love to Cuddle.
SOLD(I had this same ad before but I took it down, I didn't actually sell my bird) He is a male half-English half-American budgie who is hand-tamed and about…
SOLDBailey is 12 years old, hatched on July 5th, 2009. He has been my beloved companion for the past 12 years but I have developed an allergy and have to…
SOLDHe is a male half english half american budgie who is hand tamed and about a year old. He's very playful and talkative and knows a few phrases. He comes…
SOLDYour consideration is much appreciated. With a heavy heart, my baby boy Rio will need to be re-homed. With my demanding work schedule and a need for…
SOLDSweet eclectus male needs a home where he can play and have attention. We are sadden that we have to give him away, but we are not able to provide the…
SOLDThis baby is simply gorgeous. Sweet, harness trained, weaned. Loves skritches and kisses. Already talking and cooing like a typical baby. Comes with a…
SOLDThis very sweet fully weaned baby could make a wonderful Holiday Season present, addition to the family!!! Congo African Grey Baby DNA certified…
SOLDThis stunningly sweet baby boy is looking for his new home! He is a Dilute Turquoise Pied Split to Blue Fallow Male.. He will be ready on 11/30/21. He…
SOLDWe have 1 Baby Male Eclectus for Sale. The Male is 4 weeks old. Hi is just now starting to feather. He is about to start his bonding faze.