Hand fed young Bourke's Parakeets. Rosies; Normals (wild color); one Lutino and one Rubino hen; also rare blue-edged Cream Fallow; and Opaline Fallow Rosies…
SOLDCurrently have two Normal (wild-color) males from 2023 still available. We will hand feed babies soon. Multiple clutches began hatching last week, and…
SOLDReady to go home in November. One Rubino and one Rosy are still available.
SOLDI have one rosey bourke female available. DNA tested. She is the sweetest thing loves attention she was hatched out April 3rd she has been hand fed. She…
SOLDHand-reared Bourke's Parakeet for sale. Very tame and very sweet. Gentle, good with children. Very quiet as well. Comes with a cage, cage cover, paper…
SOLDI have one rosey bourke available dna tested female. I'm located in Northville NY 12134. Please google your distance as I do not ship nor do I deliver…