She is so sweet and tame, she will be a very good pet to a loving person. DNA gender sexed .
SOLD3 weaned babies available. All hand fed and ready to find a new family to love. Black Capped Conures are sweeter than most conures naturally.
SOLDFriendly (once known) female Congo grey parrot. Very talkative “PET ONLY” she Has no interest in being a breeder. Only wants a humans love and companionship…
SOLDMeet Paco the Hahn’s macaw. While the age and sex are unknown we believe Paco to be a male between 5-10 years old. Paco is not very keen on being handled…
SOLDBeautiful super healthy young proven pair of blur fronts. Must sell closing my Avairy due to personal issues.
SOLDREADY NOW ! Hand fed & Weaned super sweet BabyCongo Greys / can dna sex them $40 / will ship / already whistling and trying to talk.. ❤️ Please call or…
SOLDThis 7-month old macaw has not been sexed yet, he/she is a Catalina (blue & gold/scarlet hybrid) and has been hand-fed since 2 months old. Spunky personality…
SOLDKuka is a very playful sweet male umbrella cockatoo. He has been proven. Is pet or breeder. super funny !!
SOLDBeautiful perfectly feathered Vos Maeri Eclectus parrot and shes ready to breed Have egg shell for DNA verification as well Purchased from a local breeder…
SOLDYoung 1 Year old white face cockatiel ready to be rehomed. This cockatiel was parent raised and is a bit shy, but is still very young and can be tamed…