The price is $200 for each baby. $125 for Shipping and handling. These babies were handfed and will need very little work to be hand tamed.
SOLDThis little girl is looking for a forever home. She has been DNA tested and has her papers. She was hatched on 12/18/22. She is a cinnamon green check…
SOLDSweet little Parrotlet baby girl ready for her new home! She was handfed since she was 14 days old, and eats on her own now. She's friendly and hand-trained…
SOLDGorgeous little turquoise parrotlet baby girl. She is friendly, funny, and curious! Handfed after 2 weeks in the nest. She is handled often and socialized…
SOLDHatched on 11/20/22 about 11 weeks old, hand tamed, and hand raised Gender: Based on the tail stripes and how quiet, we think she is a girl Personality…
SOLDDespite her name being, Gabby, she's really a quiet bird. She's on the shy side but loves to play. Cobalt/Turquoise mix. She was handfed. She might not…
SOLDYou will love this beautiful little turquoise parrotlet baby girl with marbled wings. She is friendly and bursting with personality! Handfed after 2 weeks…
SOLD4 Budgerigar parrakeets about 2 1/2 years old. $20 each
SOLDBLUE PRINCESS OF WALES HAND FED SPLIT TO NORMAL,LUTINO AND ALBINO. ONE YEAR OLD. DNA tested.Shipping can be done by delta air. Parents are blue and…
SOLD2022 Cantor Spanish Timbrados male available for rehoming. This quality show bird is from a Spain lineage & heritage. Few males and hens are available…