DNA tested yellow sided male Green Cheek Conures. $300 each.
SOLD2 Alexandrine Parakeet males ( adult and young ) they are bond with each other and I'm selling together. This Asian parrot, one of the largest parakeets…
SOLDThe only have green color birds they are all male gender I have a 1-1/2 old 2 of them are 6 months and 1 is 4 weeks old. Each bird is home raised and its…
SOLDWe do some cockatiels hatching. To soon to know mutations:) All are handfed and raised in a family environment to be companions. We have videos of some…
SOLDGorgeous, healthy, and happy Lady Gouldians, both cocks and hens. ! My birds are raised in my home, and very well fed, loved, and cared for. If you’ve…
SOLDHe is hand fed and tame baby parrot. He is healthy, playful happy bird, ready to learn to talk and doing some tricks with you. He is 10 week old. He…
SOLD7-week-old green/yellow/blue/gray pied male & rare cobalt blue male. They are brothers, hatched one day apart, and hand-fed since they were 2 weeks old…
SOLD2 Baby cockatiels for sale 9 weeks old. $75 each
SOLDWe have two baby cockateils ready for a new home June 15. Hand fed and wings clipped.
SOLDThis little girl is ready for a new family. She is beautiful and gentle. The first baby girl I have had in 3 years that came out turquoise as usually thae…