I have to find a home for my Green Cheek Conure. She is one year old and very sweet. She is very playful and needs lots of attention. She can be a little…
SOLDProven adult breeding pair of Parrotlets. They have had beautiful and healthy clutches. They are not completely tame but are easy to handle.
SOLDI have a young male Cockatiel that needs a new home. Located in Broken Arrow, OK. His name is Carlisle but we have called him Carl. He is about 4 years…
SOLDBaby parakeet
SOLDBaby Parakeet ready for new home
SOLDBaby Parakeet ready for new home
SOLDHatch Day is 02/01/2020, Miss Sage is a sweet bird but we are having to rehome her. She's very friendly, knows step up, but can be shy at first. She…
SOLDI have red non-intensives and bronze or black-red intensives for sale in Dayton, OH. All 3 colored types are pictured. I have 1 bronze male only, the other…
SOLDDNA sexed Male Cinnamon Pearl Heavy Pied Cockatiel. Hand fed, hand tame & super sweet. From disease free parents.
SOLDDNA sexed Male Cinnamon Cockatiel split to pied & pearl. Hand fed, hand tame, & super sweet. From disease tested parents.