You will love this beautiful little turquoise parrotlet baby girl with marbled wings. She is friendly and bursting with personality! Handfed after 2 weeks…
SOLD2 year old and 1 year old English Budgies, best friends. Will not ship.
SOLDFemale Whiteface Pearl breeder. average clutch 4 to 5. Beautiful body lines when standing on a Perch.
SOLDOne year old female parrotlet. Likes to be out of the cage, not tame.
SOLDVery nice and doesn't bite. DNA blood female certified. 7 months.
SOLDSweet baby pet lovebird that just loves cuddles.
SOLDHandfed baby. She doesn't like to be picked up, she doesn't bite and prefer to be on her perch playing but once you pick her up she has no problem being…
SOLDMilla is a sweet little handfed and tame baby bird, she loves to play with her friends and be smothered with kisses by you.
SOLDGreen female parrotlet. 1 year old tame.Shes on seeds diet and some fruits and veggies. Albany NY location. no shipping.
SOLDBlue Female Parrotlet. 7 wks old. Co parent raised. Handled regularly since 2 wks old so not afraid with hands. Shes started on seeds diet and millets…