DNA sexed Male Cinnamon Cockatiel split to pied & pearl. Hand fed, hand tame, & super sweet. From disease tested parents.
SOLDI have one male lovebird almost ready for his new home. He is still hand feeding some so once ready will let you know. Im located in Northville NY 12134…
SOLDBaby lovebird 45 days old ready for new home
SOLDHand raised and fed. Only 1 baby left. They will step up on your finger and love to sit on your shoulder and walk around. They are now eating on their…
SOLDHome grown. Bird parent fed. Blue, female, about 3 months now. Not enough time for her. Looking for a patient and kind master to look after her. Great…
SOLDHome grown. Bird parent fed. Boy, white based with light yellow and thin patches of light blue, blue trimmed wings, 2 months old. Not enough time for…
SOLDTwo Peach Faced Lovebirds hatched July 19th & July 21st. They started handfeeding at 30 days old until they were fully weaned. These birds are not…
SOLDBaby lovebirds peach-faced, hand-fed but untrained. note that hand-fed does not mean trained. available for new home If you do not have experience with…
SOLDWe are looking to re-home 5 baby budgies that were born recently at our home. Please text 8179654291 $100 for five babies
SOLDSay hello to this cute little pallid blue quaker. He is super gentle and so far shows no signs of cage aggression. This little guy is a handfed DNA sexed…