Baby lovebirds hand-fed ready for new home
SOLDBaby lovebirds hand-fed ready for new home $200 each
SOLDBaby Lovebird hand-fed ready for new home $200 each
SOLDI have 2 parakeets that I want to sell. 1 is boy and other one is girl. They are very healthy and friendly. They have no diseases. One is blue and other…
SOLDI have 3 lovebird babies ready to go they were hatched out in Dec. They are 200 per bird. They were dna tested I have 2 males and 1 female. Located in…
SOLDI am a hobby breeder of Bourke parakeets. I currently have a DNA tested male Rosey (Opaline color) Bourke. He hatched 10/26/21 and is ready for his new…
SOLD6 weeks old still hand feeding will be ready around March 1st 2022. Beautiful cinnamon baby with orange cheeks and yellow head. Sweet and outgoing happy…
SOLDBaby lovebird ready for new home
SOLDBaby lovebirds they are still being fed by hand, some of them will be ready in two weeks
SOLDHand fed recently weaned English budgie. Such a sweet baby will make an awesome pet! Parent stock all tested negative for polyoma, psittacosis, and…