very tame 4 month old tufted keet. it carries the crested gene but is only partially crested. have 2 males left. can send pictures
SOLD2 love birds born March 7th Hand raised and very loveable
SOLDThis beautiful parrotlet baby is available. It was hand-fed but now fully weaned and eating on its own. Aside from being hand-fed this baby is handled…
SOLDThis beautiful parrotlet baby is available. It was hand-fed but now fully weaned and eating on its own. Aside from being hand-fed this baby is handled…
SOLDHand fed baby DYC Pied Cockatiel. Ready to go. This is banded ECA-C-AR-107-AFA
SOLDBeautiful baby lovebird olive green color. DNA blood Male certified. Tame, very friendly to people. Loves to play on hands, be on shoulders, and head scratches…
SOLDBarkley is a hand tamed, hand fed baby conure. He is DNA tested to be male. Barkley is a silly and curious guy that really likes people and those cuddles…
SOLD1 dominate silver pearl pied. hand fed very tame. very big cockatiel from show stock
SOLDJust weaned handfed baby ready for a new home!
SOLD1 dominate silver. hand fed very tame. very big cockatiel from show stock