This Crested Society Finch is fully waned and ready for a new forever home. Rehoming fee on this baby is $50.
SOLDBella is weaned and ready for her forever home. Hatchdate: July 15, 2022. She is being raised with love and cuddles. She is learning recall. DNA'D Female…
SOLDBaby lovebird hand-fed ready for new home, no shipping, pick up in a public place in manassas.
SOLDLovebird hand-fed
SOLDRosy Bourke Parakeets. One Rubino and one Pale Fallow. Parent Raised. Believe both to be female. Born 8/23/22 & 8/28/22.
SOLDWe are currently handfeeding this baby but it will be available soon. It has already started eating millet on its own. This baby is hand-tamed and very…
SOLDCaruso is weaned and ready for his forever home. Hatchdate: July 11, 2022. He is being raised with love and cuddles. He is full flighted and learning…
SOLDBeautiful baby Indian Ringneck Violet. DNA blood certified as a Female. All my breeders had been tested for PBFD and came Negative. She is very friendly…
SOLDBeautiful baby Indian Ringneck pallid Violet. DNA blood certified as a Female. All my breeders had been tested for PBFD and came Negative. She is very…
SOLDBeautiful Crimson Bellied baby one left DNA tested male looking for new home. Baby is handled each day. He's tame and very sweet. Twice hand feed a day…