Handfed and sweet. Almost weaned. This baby will be split to Turquoise and dilute.
SOLD1baby peach faced lovebird. Not completely hand tamed but young enough to be worked with don’t bite.
SOLDWe have a baby Society Finch chick that is ready to find its forever home. This little birdie is one month old, very friendly and loves human interaction…
SOLDThis female baby lovebird is very sweet and playful, she loves to play with you outside of her cage. She enjoys endless kisses and cuddles.
SOLDFive tame baby parrotlets (7 weeks old). Fully fledged and eating on their own. Three green, one blue and one fallow blue (silvery light blue plumage and…
SOLDThis beautiful baby, male parakeet is available now. You can see additional pictures on our Facebook at B & T Exotic Birds and Supplies or on IG #bntexoticbirds…
SOLDAnother one of our beautiful parakeets, available now. You can see additional pictures on our Facebook page at B & T Exotic Birds and Supplies or on IG…
SOLDThis beautiful baby is available now. It is okay and very sweet, as well as very active and loves to play. You can see additional pictures on our Facebook…
SOLDThis male baby Tiel is super sweet and knows how to step up, this baby was handfed with a lot of love. Ready to be your forever baby and snuggle body…
SOLDSuper friendly handfed pet female baby cockatiel, this baby knows to step up and loves cuddles.