This is a young pair. She has laid once and eggs were not fertile. They are both 2024 hatch. She is cinnamon w/red suffusion and he is a cinnamon par blue…
$450I'm rehoming Rosy Boukhe, a beautiful bird that is partly hand-fed and has experience raising their own babies. They are on a pellet diet and well taken…
$200I'm selling a pair of Indian Ringnecks. They are a breeder pair and not tame, ideal for someone looking to breed. Healthy and well-cared for. Serious inquiries…
$1,500Bourkies (also known as 'sundown parrot') are docile, quiet & ideal for apartments & even aviaries for Lady Gouldian or cockatiel, or especially another…
SOLDGorgeous Scarlet Chested grass parakeets. Two young males just beginning to color up $225 each. Call or text 26nine nine 44 63ten.
SOLDBeautiful, par blue male, born last spring. $230 OBO eating Magnolia Farm seed mixes and fresh foods, inside right now. I think he should be with some…
SOLDHave one female lutino scarlet chested parakeet
SOLDHave available 1 light yellow mostly white female scarelet chested parakeet $300
SOLDHave available one pair scarlet chested parakeets male just starting to get his adult colors $450 for the pair
SOLDSeveral young healthy female scarlet chested parakeets available $200 each shipping available depending on weather conditions at buyers exspence