They're $250 each if 4 or more babies taken each time, otherwise $450 each. Please call for details (772) 285-5947
$250Please call for details (772) 285-5947
$750They'll be $1,000 each if 3 or more babies taken each time, otherwise $1,500 each
$1,000Solomon Island Eclectus Baby (Eclectus roratus solomonensis) Available! Eclectus can make phenomenal companions. They are smart and can be great talkers…
$4,500RuntsĀ is a DNA sexed male Golden Conure. He is a gorgeous boy. The smallest of my the two clutches, hence his given name! He is extremely outgoing. Loves…
$5,500Must pic up in LaPlata, MD 20646. Cash only! With a heavy heart, I must re-home my buddy. I've had him for a while now. We used to be extremely close,…
$300Baby Major Mitchell Cockatoo (Lophochroa leadbeateri) Available! Major Mitchells or Leadbeaters are absolutely stunning birds. They have a pale pink and…
$7,000Red Factor Jenday Conure (Aratinga jendaya) Baby Available! Jendays are absolutely gorgeous with red bodies, yellowish heads, and green wings. Conures…
$900They're $250 each if 4 or more babies taken each time, otherwise $450 each. Please call for details (772) 285-5947
$250Please call for details (772) 285-5947