Beautiful and sweet. Waiting for a loving home. We have three females available. They are really silly but love getting scratches. They are already starting…
SOLD038 Is a sweet little girl she will be ready in a couple of weeks she is in the process of weaning. Comes with paperwork, well socialized and hand fed…
SOLDHealthy, smart, playful, hand feed and tame pineapple/yellow sided green cheek conure. Male - DNA tested. 1 month old.
SOLDSuper tame , playful , hand feed and healthy pineapple yellow sided male conure. Ready for a new home. Male -DNA tested. 2 months old
SOLDLooking for a home with small conure to cuddle and preen, or one on one time. He talks, steps up, spins, out of cage daily. Good eater of fresh chop, Bird…
SOLDI have 2 normal conures that are ready to go to their forever homes. Super sweet little guys, they walk up to me when it’s feeding time and love to cuddle…
SOLDI'm selling an 11 year old hand raised sun conure because I haven't been giving her the time she deserves. Sherbet is a hand fed sun conure who is friendly…
SOLDShe is hand-fed and her hatch date is 11-09-23, she is super curious and loves to snuggle. She was weaned on roudybush pellets and she is currently on…
SOLDIt is with a heavy heart that I am selling my silly, sweet and oh-so-smart Half Moon Conure. When I brought him home 10-months ago, I had a work-from-home…
SOLD3 months old weened baby. Eats on his own and ready to go to his/her forever home. Super social and very friendly. Unfortunately, I cannot house…