This is Penelope Pickle, a female red-fronted macaw. Affectionately nicknamed Penny, and sometimes called Pickle. Penny hatched April 14th, 2021. She…
SOLDBeautiful male baby kakariki 2 months old. Hand fed and tamed. Very active and playful. Wings are clipped. They are hypoallergenic. $340 No cage. No shipping…
SOLDBeautiful male red fronted conure. 10 months old. Beautiful feathers. Has dna. Wings are clipped. He talks and laugh. Very active and energetic. Hes vocal…
SOLDVery sweet DNA boy playful personality great veggie eater and pellets. All birds raised indoors disease free in a loving home. Lutinos, Pastels, Cinnamons…
SOLDOne male black-capped conure. Almost done hand feeding. Father is a visual opaline black-capped, the mother is a normal colored black-capped. Very sweet…